Materials Science Research

Russian Pyramid materials research includes results in the following areas:

• Pyramid exposure changes the structure of steel
• Pyrocarbons exposed to the pyramid experienced dramatic increases in electrical resistance,
while silicon semiconductors experienced a dramatic decrease in electrical resistance
• Russian Pyramid-charged rocks distribute electrical charges more evenly
• Water inside a Russian Pyramid does not freeze at -38 degrees Fahrenheit
• Visible rings form in rocks scattered inside a Russian Pyramid
• Oil production increased by 30% after placement of a pyramid above a mature oil well
• Exposure to Russian Pyramids increases the hardness and purity of synthesized diamonds
• Russian Pyramids have tremendous protective abilities from electric shock in a Rod-Plane

Russian Pyramids Change the Structure of Steel

Goal: To determine if exposure to Russian Geometry Pyramid fields would have an impact on the structure of steel razor blades.

Methodology: Razor blades were placed inside a pyramid for 30 days and then compared with control sections of the very same blades not exposed to the pyramid. The investigation was related to the cutting edge of a razor blade. Before putting the blade into a pyramid, a small reference specimen was cut out of each blade.

Results: Electron microscope photography demonstrated that the blade sections exposed to the pyramid had been sharpened relative to the control sections, confirming the experience of numerous tests from Russian soldiers.

Russian Pyramid Changes the Electrical Resistance of Materials

Goal: To ascertain whether Russian Pyramids affect electrical conductivity of pyrocarbons.

Methodology: A pyrocarbon material was tested that normally had a resistance of 5-7 micro-ohms.

Results: After a one-day stay in the pyramid, the material became 200% more resistant to electric current, which is an abnormal effect for a pyrocarbon. Irradiating the same material with ~1019 neutrons per square meter would only change the resistance of the pyrocarbon by about 5% in comparison.

Similarly, silicon semiconductors would have an exponential lowering of their electrical resistance, and high-temperature superconducting materials would lose their superconductive properties after a one-day stay in the pyramid.

Pyr amid-Charged Rocks Distribute Electrical Charges More Evenly

Goal: To determine how pyramid-charged rocks would affect the dissipation of strong electric charges.

Methodology: A flat metallic plate that was zapped by positively charged electric blasts at up to 1,400 kilovolts in intervals between 250 and 2,500 microseconds. The electric blasts were generated by a rod that was suspended 5 meters above the metallic plate.

Results: The researchers discovered that there were five times more burn marks on the control plate as opposed to the experimental plate which had granite previously placed in the pyramid in a ring around the plate. This appears to be due to the fact that the electron clouds of the atoms in the rocks became more uniformly spin-polarized in the pyramid, thus helping to absorb and spread- out electrical charges more evenly.

Russian Pyramid Water Does Not Freeze at Sub-Freezing Temperatures Until Disturbed

Goal: To determine the impact of Russian Pyramid exposure on the freezing temperature of water.

Methodology: Plastic bottles of distilled water kept in the pyramid over the course of three winter
months. During this time, the air temperature in the pyramid sank as low as -38 degrees Centigrade (-34 degrees Fahrenheit).Results: Thermometers inside the bottles revealed that the temperature of the water remained in a liquid form and would not turn into ice. However, if the water was shaken or bumped in any way, it would immediately start crystallizing and quickly turn into a block of ice, suggesting that the presence of the torsion-wave energy was able to keep the water molecules from crystallizing into ice, yet a simple disruption in the harmonic stillness of the water would cause this equilibrium to disappear and ice would form quickly. This same experiment also showed that water would retain its purity indefinitely while within the pyramid.

Visible Rings Form in Rocks Scattered Inside the Pyramid

Goal: To determine the impact of Russian Pyramid exposure on the appearance of stones.

Methology: Chunks of granite and crystal were scattered along the floor of the pyramid for long periods of time.

Results: A visible ring would appear evenly throughout the chunks, showing a clear change inthe appearance of the stones when under the torsion-wave influence. This result was able to be duplicated 40 different times in the same pyramid, with different rocks each time. Each ring would cover between 50 and 300 rocks, with a total weight from 20 to 200 kilograms. Evidence gathered by Dr. Golod indicated that in communities where the stones were placed, an increased visibility of the rings correlated with the amount of reduction in epidemics in the area.

Russian Pyramids Increase Oil Well Production

Goal: Determine if pyramids could increase the production of oil from existing oil wells.

Methodology: A series of pyramids were built over a number of oil wells.

Results: It was discovered that the viscosity of the oil under the pyramids decreased by 30%, while the production rate accordingly increased by 30% compared to the surrounding wells.  There was also a decrease in the amount of  unwanted materials in the oil, such as gums, pyrobitumen and paraffin.

Exposure to Russian Pyramid Increased Hardness and Purity of Synthesized Diamonds

The torsion–wave–focusing properties of the pyramid structure were seen to have a direct effect on how crystallization takes place. Diamonds that were synthesized within the pyramid turned out harder and purer than they would otherwise. This suggests that the torsion–wave component is of central importance in the forming of chemical bonds to create a crystal.

Russian Pyramid Provides Protection from Electric Shock in a Rod-Plane

Goal: To determine the influence of the pyramid field on the electric field in the long ROD-PLANE air gap was assessed when it was exposed to a pulse voltage of positive polarity 250/2500 μs.

An air gap ROD-PLANE with an interelectrode distance S = 5.0 m was used as the basic system.

As an experimental system - the same, but on the plane there were 7 pieces of granite weighing 100
grams, exposed in a pyramid and laid out on PLANES along a circle Oi with a diameter of 1 m centered
at a distance of 0.5 m from the center of the PLANE.

For the basic and experimental systems, 100 voltage pulses were applied. The trajectories of the
discharges and the points of destruction of the plane were recorded. Based on the test results, the
fields of the PLANE damage points were built. The discharge voltage during the research was -1400
kV. As a result of the research, it was r

Conclusion: The contour of stones exposed in the pyramid, or from the information matrices of the
pyramid has powerful protective properties against electric shock damage for the PLANE section,
limited by this contour.

Copyright @2023 Stargate Pyramids LLC.  All rights reserved

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