Russian Pyramid Provides Protection from Electric Shock in a Rod-Plane
Goal: To determine the influence of the pyramid field on the electric field in the long ROD-PLANE air gap was assessed when it was exposed to a pulse voltage of positive polarity 250/2500 μs.
An air gap ROD-PLANE with an interelectrode distance S = 5.0 m was used as the basic system.
As an experimental system - the same, but on the plane there were 7 pieces of granite weighing 100
grams, exposed in a pyramid and laid out on PLANES along a circle Oi with a diameter of 1 m centered
at a distance of 0.5 m from the center of the PLANE.
For the basic and experimental systems, 100 voltage pulses were applied. The trajectories of the
discharges and the points of destruction of the plane were recorded. Based on the test results, the
fields of the PLANE damage points were built. The discharge voltage during the research was -1400
kV. As a result of the research, it was r
Conclusion: The contour of stones exposed in the pyramid, or from the information matrices of the
pyramid has powerful protective properties against electric shock damage for the PLANE section,
limited by this contour.