Health Research

The Russian Pyramid Health Research consists of numerous experiments performed by some of Russia and Ukraine’s top medical scientists. These results provide a compelling case that the Russian pyramid energy field significantly enhances biological health in the areas of immune function, speed of healing, reduction of stress and violent behavior, reduction of cancer and tumors, and enhanced physical endurance. Significantly, the research demonstrates that immune function enhancement results from the ability of the pyramid to optimize thymus size and function, as well as from greatly enhanced proliferation and longevity of T-cells. Below is a summary of the significant research results from the Russian Pyramid Research:

Improvements in Immune Function

• Produces 10-fold increase in survival rate of mice exposed to typhoid fever bacteria
• Strengthens immune defense and increases life expectancy
• Provides significantly greater antiviral effects than venoglobulin
• Completely eliminates infant mortality in severely immune-compromised premature births

Reduction in Cancer and Infectious Diseases
• Reduces tumors by 300-400%
• Reduces airborne environmental poisoning, cancer and infectious diseases by 90+%
• Dramatically reduce cancer and infectious diseases

Immune Function Method of Action

 Optimizes thymus size and function
• Significantly increases T-cell proliferation and longevity

Reduction of Stress and Violent Behavior
• Eliminates violent prisoner behavior
• Dramatically lowers violent behavior in mice and humans, reduces stress hormones
• Dr. Golod's theory of harmony and the reduction of violent behavior

Other Health Research
• Enhances human biofield aura
• Increases blood platelet count
• Russian Pyramid placed on hospital roof speeds healing
• Increases human life expectancy by 10-15 years
• Increases athletic endurance in animals and humans
• Aids in drug and alcohol addiction recovery

Improvements in Immune Function

Russian Pyramid Produces 10-Fold Increase in Survival Rate of Mice Exposed to Typhoid Fever Virus

Goal: To determine the effect of a Russian Pyramid energy field on survival rate of mice exposed to typhoid fever.

Methodology:  Mice were kept in a pyramid in varying numbers and for varying periods of time. After several days, the mice were infected with four increasing doses of type 415 of salmonella typhimurium (a bacteria which results in symptoms similar to typhoid fever), starting with 10 cells and increasing to 104. The control group was supplied with mice from the same strain, and was contaminated with the same doses of culture, but without exposure to the pyramid field.

Results:  The survival rate of mice who received exposure to the pyramid field greatly exceeded those in the control group. At smaller doses of contamination, 60% of the mice exposed to the pyramid survived, versus 6% in the control group. At larger doses of contamination, 30% of the mice exposed to the pyramid-field survived versus just 3% of those in the control group.

 Conclusion: Exposure of mice to the pyramid field promotes the heightening of their resistance to consequent contamination of Salmonella typhimurium. Therefore, it is possible to speak about a powerful immune-enhancing influence of the pyramid, as mice exposed to the pyramid prior to contamination had survival rates that were 10 times higher than that of the control group.

Russian Pyramid Energy Exposure Strengthens Immune Function and Increases Life Expectancy

Dr. Golod discusses how Russia Pyramids impact immune function and life expectancy on website:

"It is possible to analyze the situation with influenza over the past 18 years in the Moscow region, where a 22-meter pyramid was installed in 1997, and a 44-meter pyramid in 1999. Biological and biophysical studies reveal the mechanisms of what happens when the processes of strengthening the "immune defense" and reducing the level of all pathogenic factors occur simultaneously. As a consequence, a significant increase in life expectancy in such areas is expected."

Dr. Golod estimates that humans exposed to Russian Pyramid energy fields can expect an increased life span of 10-15 years.

Russian Pyramid Water Provides Significantly Greater Antiviral Effects Than Venoglobulin

Goal: Determine the effect of venoglobulin exposure to Russian Pyramid energy on its ability to diminish viral breeding capacity.

Methodology: The antiviral activity of venoglobulin was determined by its capacity to protect mice cells from the cytopathic (cell-destroying) impact of the encephalomyocarditis (EMC) virus. Venoglobulin was diluted in distilled water up to the concentration of 50 mg./l. The drug was tested in two concentrations: 50 and 0.5 micro g/ml. Then, a portion of the solutions were housed in the pyramid. Venoglobulin was deposited into cell-like cultures 24 hours prior to their contamination with the virus.

Results: It was found that venoglobulin in concentration of 50 micro g/ml lowered the breeding capacity of the virus by approximately 300%. When the concentration was reduced to 0.5 micrograms/ml, the effect was no longer observed.
However, the 0.5 microgram/ml solution of venoglobulin housed in the pyramid was approximately 150% MORE effective than the 50 microgram/ml not housed in the pyramid. An enhanced antiviral effect of the venoglobulin housed in the pyramid was maintained at further dilutions up to concentrations of 0.005 and 0.0005 microgram/ml, pointing to the importance of direct exposure of the solution to the pyramid energy as the cause for the decreased breeding capacity of the virus.
Thus, venoglobulin at a concentration of 0.5 μg / ml, which does not have a protective effect on the cells, after being in the pyramid, did have a virus-inhibiting effect, more pronounced than the drug that was 100 times more concentrated. At these more diluted concentrations the antiviral activity of venoglobulin has ceased to depend on its concentration.

Russian Pyramid Completely Eliminates Infant Mortality in Severely Immune-Compromised Premature Births

Goal: Determine the effects of Russian Pyramid water on the mortality rate of severely immune-compromised premature births.

Methodology: A 1 ml of solution of 40% glucose and distilled water exposed to the pyramid, was administered orally on 20 premature babies with severely compromised immune systems. An objective assessment was provided by an analysis of the Instantaneous State Index (ISI), which reflects the state of the patient’s sympatho-adrenal system. Based upon the results of the ISI, all babies included in the test were expected to die within the next few days.

Results: Data on 20 patients was analyzed. In all cases, even in patients with very low indices close to zero where imminent death was expected, after the administration of 1ml of the 40% glucose solution the ISI rose substantially to practically normal levels, with no deaths. The same results were found after the external application of 1ml of water only that had been exposed inthe pyramid.

Reduction in Cancer and Infectious Diseases

Russian Pyramid Water Reduces Tumors by 300-400%

Goal: To determine the impact of Russian Pyramid water on the growth of tumors in mice.

Methodology: Mice were injected with various carcinogens. Mice in the experimental group drank water exposed in the pyramid; the control group drank ordinary water.

Results: the probability of tumors developing in the control group was several times higher than for the animals that drank water exposed to the pyramid.

Russian Pyramid Reduces Airborne Environmental Poisoning, Cancer and Infectious Disease by 90+%

Goal: To reduce the effects of airborne environmental poisoning, on cancer and infectious disease rate of a city near a toxic chemical plant.

Background: Since its inception, the Aksaraysky gas condensate plant in Astrakhan, Russia had been poisoning and polluting the surrounding environment, spewing huge amounts of radon, hydrogen sulfide, and other environmental toxins into the air. Due to the extent of the pollution, all villagers within a 30-kilometer (19 mile) zone had been resettled. The City of Narimanov is 40 kilometers (25 miles) away, but the city is downwind from the plant, and is still being severely affected by the environmental pollution.

Methodology: A 22-meter Russian Pyramid was built on the Volgograd-Astrakhan Highway between the plant and the city of Narimanov.

Results: Data collected by the City Health Department indicate that prior to the installation of the pyramid, there were an average of 550-650 cases of environmental poisoning per year. In the first year after the pyramid was constructed, the number of reported poisoning cases dropped to 208. A year later, only 70 poisonings were reported. The following year, there were only a few isolated poisoning cases. A few years after that the City Health Department stopped keeping statistics because of the drastic decline in reported poisonings.

Stones Exposed to Russian Pyramid Energy Dramatically Reduce Cancer and Infectious Diseases

Goal: To measure the impact of placing pieces of granite and quartz previously stored inside a Russian Pyramid on the rate of cancer and infectious diseases.

Methodology: Circular contours of pieces of granite and quartz, exposed to the inside the pyramid,were placed around Moscow and the Moscow region. By the beginning of 1999 about 40 such rings were laid. Each ring contains from 50 to 300 stones with a total weight from 20 to 200 kg.

Results: In all cases, the number of reported cases of cancer, infectious diseases, etc. dramatically decreased.

Immune Function Method of Action

Russian Pyramid Water Optimizes Thymus Size and Function

Goal: To determine the impact of Russia Pyramid water on thymus size and function.

Meth dology: The experimental group of mice received a 10% salt to water solution, where the salt was stored inside a 22-meter pyramid before being administered to the mice. The control group received a 10% salt to water solution where the salt was not exposed to the pyramid. The solutions were administered to the mice at the rate of 5 drops per day. A “double-blind” control scheme was applied. Employees who determined the state of the thymus did not know which groups were the control group and which were the experimental group. 

Resu lts: In the experiment, the number of thymus cells was calculated. It has been previously determined that the number of thymus cells, and by extension thyroid and immune function, decreases greatly with age and stress. In the control group, the number of thymus cells in the mice varied from 1-28 million. In the pyramid group, the variation in the number of thymus cells in the mice varied muchless dramatically from 5.0-7.8 million. Thus, the effect of the 10% salt to water solution from the pyramid was to optimize the size of the thymus (one of the indicators characterizing the immunological status of the organism).

Russian Pyramid Water Significantly Increases T-Cell Proliferation and Longevity

Goal: Given the demonstrated importance of lymphocyte T-cell proliferation and longevity in immune function, this experiment was designed to determine what impacts exposures to Russian Geometry Pyramid fields had on lymphocytes.

Methodology: In the experimental group, water placed inside the pyramid was used to prepare a solution of the nutrient growth medium, whereas in the control group water that had not been exposed to the pyramid was used. Cell viability was determined by staining cells with 0.4% trypan blue and MTT and was analyzed using spectrophotometry of the absorption of the dye.

Results: By day 10, a noticeable increase in the number of cells and the percentage of cell viability in the treated exposure compared to the control was observed. On day 11, these values wererespectively 1.2 million total cells/ml  and 52% (622,000) viability for the control and 1.4 million total cells/ml and 88% (1,232,000) viability for the pyramid. On day 21, these values were 50,000 total cells/ml and 2% (1,000) viability for the control, and 300,000 total cells/ml and 49% (147,000) viability for the pyramid, resulting in a 147x increase in the number of long-lived  lymphocyte cells at the end of day 21.

Reduction of Stress and Violent Behavior

Table Salt Stored in Russian Pyramid Virtually Eliminates Violent Prisoner Behavior

Goal: Determine the effect of pyramid-treated table salt on the behavior of a population of 6,000 prisoners.

Methodology: Over 5 tons of table salt were stored in a Russian Pyramid. The salt was then distributed and used for cookg and table use by the nutrition services of prisons within the Russian Federal Penitentiary Service housing over 6,000 prisoners.

Results: The incidence of criminal behavior in the prisons virtually disappeared within a few months, suggesting a corresponding increase in feelings of peacefulness and goodwill among the inmates within the facilities. According to Dr. Golod, after 6 months of using the table salt, the employees of these institutions spoke the same basic idea, that “the prisoners were acting so much nicer that people wondered whether we had somehow replaced the entire prison population”. After 11 months the following statistics were calculated: the death rate dropped by 3.5 times, serious crimes reached zero, and the number of rule violations decreased by three times.

Russian Pyramid Reduces Stress-Related Behavior In Laboratory Mice

Goal: To determine the impact of Russian Pyramid energy on stress in laboratory mice.

Methodology: Studies were conducted on the effect on a group a mice of placing 1 gram pieces of crystalline gypsum previously placed in a Russian pyramid next to the cell of mice. The control group was not so exposed. For 5 days, the number of “fights” in the cells was counted using a microphone system. The number of “fights” in the experimental group on average was 3.5 times lower than in the control group. At the same time, the thymus cellularity indices were "optimized".

Results: We can conclude from these observations that an obvious decrease in the level of aggressiveness of the experimental group of animals was the result of exposure to the gypsum placed inside the pyramid.In the words of Dr. Golod, the exposure to pyramid energy fields resulted in the mice having an "acquired resistance to stress".

Dr. Golod's Theory of Harmony and the Reduction of Violent Behavior

Additional rationale for the reduction of violence in humans and animals is found in Dr. Golod's comments on

"A space with a high degree of harmony of all possible scenarios for the development of events will give priority to the most harmonious. It will seek to push out everything that does not correspond to its structure. Any inharmonious event, for example, a terrorist act, the very idea of such an event, its organizers and performers become clearly manifested, obvious in such a Space. The likelihood of any events directed against universal (harmonious) values decreases."

Our own research into Russian Pyramid geometry and its relationship to harmonics lends a great deal of credence to this notion.  Russian Pyramid geometry of Phi Scaling results in geometric and harmonic coherence, explaining why the pyramid is said to amplify and clarify any field within its area of influence.

Other Health Research

Russian Pyramid Enhances Human Biofield Aura

Goal: Determine the changes in the human biofield aura resulting from Russia Pyramid exposure.

Methodology and Results: An advanced type of Kirlian photography was recently perfected by Professor
Konstantin G. Korotkov of St. Petersburg, Russia, called Gas Discharge Visualization, or "GDV". GDV
is the computer recording and analysis of luminescence induced by biological objects when stimulatedby an electromagnetic field with amplification in a gas discharge. Researchers at the Russian Paleotechnology Research and Medicine Development Foundation in St. Petersburg, Russia ("MAAT Foundation”) used GDV to measure the changes in the human biofield of a 47-year-old subject after 1 hour inside the pyramid's field energy field. Notice the rebalancing of the chakra energy centers that resulted from the photos, as well as the overall enhancement of the aura of the subject.

Russian Pyramid Water Increases Blood Platelet Count

Goal: To study the effect of water stored in a Russian Geometry pyramid on the blood platelet count of rabbits.

Methodology: Changes in the blood coagulation system of rabbits ex vivo when replacing normal drinking water with water exposed in the pyramid were investigated. Studies were conducted for 14 days. Blood from rabbits was taken before the start of consumption of pyramidal water, as well as on days 7 and 14 after the start of the experiment.

Results: The number of platelets of the rabbit before the introduction of the pyramidal water was taken as 100%. On the 7th day after the start of the experiment, their number increased to 129%, and on the 14th day to 167%, indicating pyramid exposure as a natural method for alleviating thrombocytopenia (low blood platelet count).

Russian Pyramid Placed on Hospital Roof Speeds Healing

An 11-meter-high pyramid was built on the roof of the Tolyatti city hospital by Alexander Golod and his staff. The Pyramid allows patients to recover several times faster when using the effect of the Pyramid shape in the treatment process, as well as substantially increasing the effectiveness of drugs stored inside the Pyramid.

Russian Pyramid Exposure Increases Human Life Expectancy By 10-15 Years

Although he has not provided specific research results on increasing life expectancy, Dr. Golod expects "pyramid high-tech" will add 10-15 years to life expectancy.

Russian Geometry Pyramid Increases Athletic Endurance in Animals and Humans Animal Testing

Goal: to determine the impact of pyramid exposure on animal athletic endurance.

Methodology: Rabbits and white rats were exposed to the pyramid and then compared to control groups for their athletic endurance.

Results: Animals exposed to the pyramid gained 200% more endurance than control group animals and their blood gained higher concentrations of leukocytes (white blood cells).

Human Testing

Goal: To determine the effects of pyramid exposure on human athletic performance.

Methodology: Research was carried out on rowing machines at the Institute of Physical Education.

Results: Athletes improved their athletic performance with a simultaneous improvement in health by using drinks aged or prepared in the Pyramid.

Russian Pyramids Aid in Drug and Alcohol Addiction Recovery

In the zone of the pyramid, or in the zone of objects exhibited in the pyramid, the effectiveness of any effects of a psychotropic nature decreases.

Additional Health Research Results

Additional research results, conducted under less rigorous methodologies, were determined as part of
the Russian Pyramid Research:

- Improved tissue regeneration
- Increased levels of REM sleep
- Increased levels of melatonin
- Psychotropic drugs have less of an effect on people either staying inside or within close range of a pyramid
- The half-life of carbon was altered
- The strength of concrete changes when exposed to pyramids
- Crystals exhibit different unusual optical behaviors
- The level of pathogenicity of various protein formations (viruses, bacteria) exposed in the pyramid decreases.
- Very encouraging data was obtained in cases of the use of standard solutions (glucose, isotonic solution, etc.) intravenously and externally with alcoholism and drug addiction, even in very advanced forms.

Copyright @2023 Stargate Pyramids LLC.  All rights reserved

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