Free Energy Research

Russian Geometry Pyramid Creates Far-Reaching Energy Field

Goal: To see if a Russian Pyramid has an energetic impact on the atmosphere surrounding the pyramid.

Methodology: Studies of the air above the pyramid with a Russian instrument similar to radar known as a “military locator”.

Results: Instrument readings indicated the presence of an ionized energy field 2,000 meters (6,200 feet) high and 500 meters (1,550 feet) wide along the vertical axis of the pyramid. The column was constantly changing its height from 800 meters (2,500 feet) to 2000 meters (6,200 feet). The radar reflecting ability of this formation was   to the reflecting ability of an airplane. Further studies confirmed that a larger circle of this ionized energy surrounded the area above the pyramid in a 300-kilometer (185 mile) range, with the highest concentration being directly above the vertical axis of the pyramid. Dr. Golod's team calculated that if such an energy column were to be produced electromagnetically, it would require all the combined energy of all the power plants in Russia.

An additional observation was that after the pyramid's presence was established, an ozone hole that had existed over that area of Russia was seen to repair itself in only two months’ time.

This column of unseen energy did have other immediate uses and effects as well. Electrical energy from the pyramid could be harnessed by a capacitor that was placed at the apex of the pyramid;the capacitor would spontaneously take on a charge. Furthermore, pieces of the capacitor assembly were seen to break away and rise into the air on the energetic column that the pyramid was producing. It was also discovered that people working near the top of the pyramid might start to experience dizziness and nausea and need to be taken some distance away from the pyramid for these effects to subside.

Proposed Method of Action: Dr. Golod's hypothesis is that there is an energy vortex above the pyramid, and that the detected atmospheric ionization is a consequence of what he calls vortex radiation. Further, the detected ionic  column above the pyramid delineates the neck of the funnel of this hypothetical vortex.

Researchers noticed that fragments of the ionized column detached over the pyramid and moved in an upward flow. These fragments retained their configuration at large distances from the pyramid. Based on this data, Dr. Golod assumes the possibility of separation and movement of this ionization with the ascending flow of the air. Depending on the weather conditions, these structures can be anywhere on the planet in just a few days.

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