Environmental Research

The Russian Pyramid Environmental Research provides some striking examples of the impact of
pyramid energy fields on the environment. Of particular note are the first two observations, which were
totally unexpected:
• Regenerates extinct plant species
• Creates new streams
• Purifies contaminated water of heavy metals and radioactivity
• Creates powerful, far-reaching energy field and spontaneous charging of capacitors
• Diminishes earthquakes and severe weather
• Repairs the ozone layer

Russian Pyramid Regenerates Extinct Plant Species

Observation: After construction of a pyramid in the area of Seliger Lake, nearby fields became covered with species of plants that were unknown to the local residents. When experts were brought in to investigate, it was determined that the plants were species thought to have been extinct for many hundreds of years.

Russian Pyramid Creates New Streams

Observation: At the same Selinger Lake location, new streams appeared in the area around the pyramid. Similar results were obtained by the Pyramid Science Foundation and are discussed in the next section.

Russian Pyramid Purifies Contaminated Water of Heavy Metals and Radioactivity

Goal: To determine the impact of Russian Pyramids on contaminated water.

Methodology: A complex of pyramids was built in the Arkhangelsk region of Russia to determine whether pyramids can purify well water contaminated with strontium, heavy metals and salt. In the town of Krasnogorsk, near Moscow, a pyramid was constructed that reduced the amount of salt in water.

Results: Strontium and heavy metals that had contaminated the well in Arkhangelsk were able to be cleared by the effects of the pyramids. In the town of Krasnogorsk, the level of salts in the water was significantly reduced.

Russian Pyramids Diminish Earthquake Risk and Severe Weather

Goal: To see if Russian Pyramids have mitigating impacts on earthquakes and severe weather.

Methodology: Teams from the Russian National Academy of Sciences studied earthquake data from the areas surrounding a series of pyramids and compared it to earlier data before the pyramids were built.

Results: The pyramids tended to dissipate the energetic buildup that would normally create sudden, violent earthquakes. Instead of seeing one large and powerful quake, several hundred tiny earthquakes were registered. Furthermore, the atmosphere surrounding the pyramid seemed to be shielded from severe weather, causing a decrease in the amount of violent weather patterns. This gives a clear illustration of the usefulness of pyramids for balancing the aetheric energies streaming into a planet.

Russian Pyramid Repairs Ozone Layer

Observations: Ozone holes in the Northern Hemisphere disappeared within 4-5 months after the installation of a 22-meter-high pyramid on Lake Seliger. The disappearance of ozone holes on the planet is expected as a result of the 44-meter-high pyramid on the Moscow-Riga Highway in 1999.  According to Dr. Golod, similar and more rapid results could be obtained as a result of building similar pyramids in the Southern Hemisphere, for example, in Australia or in South America. A joint experiment with RSC Energia (Russia's prime contractor for space missions), started on October 25, 1998, contributes a lot to this and other similar results, according to Dr. Golod. In that experiment, a cargo of quartz crystals and amethysts, processed in the pyramid, was sent aboard the Mir space station.
Several thousand orbits around the planet formed an energy cocoon that changed the structure of the entire near-Earth space.

Copyright @2023 Stargate Pyramids LLC.  All rights reserved

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